At, in and on: prepositions of position

at + the + place within a city or town
apartment, bus stop, factory, hospital, hotel, house, mall, office, park, parking
lot, restaurant, station, store, theater, university
at + an address
  • She lives at 3757 North 52nd Street, apartment 10.
  • You can contact him by e-mail,
at + the + place within another place
  • He was waiting in the room at the door.
  • He likes to sit in her apartment at the window facing the park.

nouns: counter, desk, table, window
place of attendance: without article
church, class, home, practice, school, work
breakfast, lunch, dinner
place of attendance: be + at + noun of event
  • They are at the movies.
  • She is at a meeting.
nouns:breakfast, brunch, celebration, concert, conference, dance, debate, dinner,
forum, function, funeral, game, lecture, luncheon, meeting, movies, parade,
party, play, program, reading, reunion, show, wedding

IN: location inside or within
geographical area
city, continent, country, state, town
comfortable, protected places
alcove, large chair, cocoon, nest
inside areas
attic, balcony, basement, building, corner, hall, kitchen, office, room
vehicles where the passengers cannot walk around:
car, canoe, helicopter, small airplane, small boat
publications and speeches
article, book, dictionary, encyclopedia, lecture, magazine, newspaper, speech
without article
bed, church, class, jail, place, school, town
typical verbs and nouns
  • verbs:drop, get, insert, lay, place, push, put
  • nouns:bag, box, drawer, file, folder, notebook, sack, suitcase, trunk, wallet
association, category, choir, chorus, club, family, fraternity, group, office,society, sorority

outside location
balcony, corner, fence, field, ground, hill, horizon, lawn, patio, porch, roof, terrace.
surface location
boardwalk, court, diamond, field, highway, path, rink, road, rocks, screen, sidewalk, street.
surface location without article
earth, page number, solid ground, water.
inside surface location
ceiling, floor, stair, step, wall, window, floor.
surface contact verbs with ‘on’
glue, paste, hold, paste, stick.
location in a part of
border, bottom, edge, end, exterior, inside, interior, left, outside, outskirts,
first/second (or other number) page, right, side, surface, top

Usamos ‘at’ para hablar acerca de un lugar que vemos como un punto en vez de un área y acerca de un evento donde hay un grupo de gente:

  • I arrived at New Street Station at 7:30
  • We last met at the conference in Italy
  • We were waiting at the far end of the room.
  • There were few people at Joan's party.

Usamos ‘on’ para hablar acerca de un posición tocando una superficie plana o sobre algo que vemos como una linea así como una calle o río:
  • Is that spider on the ceiling (Notese que también usamos on the wall/floor)

Usamos ‘in’ para hablar acerca de una posición dentro de una area grande o cuando hay algo dentro un espacio más grande:
  • There's been another big forest in California.
  • She looked again in her bag and, to her relief, there were her keys.

Observa como ‘at’, ‘in’, y ‘on’ son usados en estas oraciones:

  • Mi dream is to play at Wembley Stadium ( visto como un punto.)

  • Didn't see you in/at the pool yesterday? (visto como dentro de la piscina o como un edificio que es visto como un punto en la ciudad.)

  • He lives in Perth (Dentro de la cuidad.)

  • We stopped in/at Milan, Florence and Pisa on our way to Rome (Usamos ‘at’ cuando vemos las cuidades como puntos en un viaje e ‘in’ cuando las vemos como areas delimitadas donde nos quedamos por un tiempo.)

  • They were a great succes in/at Edinburg (Usamos at cuando usamos un nombre de un lugar en vez de una institución o evento -aquí, el Festival de Edinburg; In sugiere la cuidad.)

  • He's in Los Angeles on business (Quedándose o viviendo ahí.)

  • He's at Manchester estudying Spanish (Un Estudiante en la Universidad de Manchester.)

  • She works at Marks and Spencer (El lugar de una organización en particular.)

  • She works in a shoe shop (El tipo de lugar.)

  • I stopped at the shop on the way home/ I was in the bank when Sue came in.     (Usamos ‘at’ para hablar acerca de edificios como el del dentista, el supermercado, el banco, colegio, etc; usamos ‘in’ para enfatizar que estmos dentro del edificio. Notese que decimos: ‘to work on a farm’, pero ‘to work in a factory’)

  • I read the paper in the taxi on the way (para viajes usando taxis y autos.)

  • I'll probably go on the bus (Cuando viajamos en bus, avion, tren o barco; pero usamos in is queremos infatizar que estamos dentro del bus, etc.)

Usualmente usamos ‘at’ antes de una dirección e ‘in’ u ‘on’ antes del nombre de una calle:
  • They've opened an office at 28 Lees Road.
  • The church is in/on Park Road.

Sinembargo podemos usar on en vez de in cuando hablamos de calles largas o avenidas:
  • The town is on the Pacific Highway.

Podemos usar ‘at’ en vez de ‘in’ cuando usamamos el nombre de una calle para referirnos a una institución en esa calle:
  • There was an important meeting of ministers at Downing Street today.

Pero notese que usamos 'on Wall Street' para referirnos a una institución financiera.
  • I'll meet you on the corner of the street./The lamp was in the corner of the room.


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